Day 64, 8 September 20,3km walked from la Possonniere to les Ponts de la Cé
I passed the 1400km (not according to my website cause it only does straight lines! But according to my km tracker on my phone)
I feel a bit double to be taking a train and travel by car after It has been so good to be able to say I walked all the way here! But It’s okay 1400km in 64 days is not bad at all! I’m walking to Angers and then I’ll have some proper days off maybe do some fixing of Arlette and definitely some planning!
Some phoning people too, some making maybe It’ll be good!
Last night I did not sleep so well, noisy neighbours at the camping! And then rain in the night and when it stopped I got out and started folding, and of course it started again! It was a coat on coat of kind of day!
I met this amazing man last night, nearly 80, he was cycling but really he preferred walking, 4 camino’s and walked to Jerusalem! Amazing
Now I am in Friends of friends of the parents of a friend of a friend’s garden!
Thank you Gaëlle!!
Going to sleep early!
#Thewalkinghomeproject #longdistancewalking