Day 69. 13 September still in Vezac, not a 100percent sure what is my next move. I walked so far! And now I find myself somewhere completely different.
But it will all be fine! I want to walk the coastal path from Montpellier to Barcelona ( anything interesting to visit? Friends along that route? Let me know! So tomorrow I’ll start with walking to Najac to get a feel for where I am and then I’ll know what is next!
So what is my plan? My plan is to go with the flow and trust the right direction will show it self!
I might take a train… there are several places I’d like to visit but I’ll see what walking is like here! ♥️
Any suggestions always welcome!
I found some more supporters here do I can afford a train! Thanks David Sharmian Alison Dav-id Franky and Linda!
It’s been a great holiday back to walking in the morning!
#feetup #chatting #cooking #hangingout #dancing? #swimming
#Thewalkinghomeproject #longdistancewalking