Month: November 2022
Platja Altafulla
Day 123, 6-11-‘22, from just outside Vilanova I la Geltrù to platJa d’altofulla with a little bit of train.because I just couldn’t get my legs turned on, did some writing and played the ukulele before I left, very slow! But still 20,4 km walked! I was a bit cold so I’ll wear my woollen gear…
Vilanova i la Geltru
Day 122, 5-11-22, 27 Years mother, of this wonderfully and kind smart and funny table tennis player, children magician, guitar playing adventure loving human senneverbeeck together with Vincent ❤️ 23,7Km walked, after I went to the police station, I took the train back to Sitges and after I asked at the station, the cafetaria, two…