Day 228, 20-2-23, 17km walked, from this little village to about 15 km from Tetouan, where I was walking along the road and I got recognised! By Adil a man who’s phone number I got via a friend and I wrote him a week ago and told him about my trip! And there he was! he took me and Arlette in his car!
I’m going to visit him tomorrow!
At the museum of contemporary art of Tetouan!
I slept really well and woke and left quite late, It was so beautiful! It made me cry. And then all the lovely people I met along the road, they all make this movement with their hands, saying do what are you doing here? Haha sometimes some Spanish or French. Offering rides in cars or on donkeys.
Until I got to a river! Not too deep but none the less, I had to take my shoes off and everything out of Arlette to carry it across and then I walked along the road a while until Adil picked me up. I’m in a hostel but there are no international guests which is a pity. But I met another Interesting young man, to be continued..
Loving how one thing goes right into the next.
I’m very tired again! So to bed!
#walkingartist #slowtravel #improwalking #langeafstandwandelen
#Thewalkinghomeproject #vegan #veganhiker #longdistancewalking #solowalkingtrip #walkinginMorocco