Day 241, 7-3-23, bus to Meknes from Ouazzane.
Got up, finally! Packed heard some beautiful singing in the cafe downstairs so had breakfast there, then left the hotel without a plan. Sat down for more coffee and then decided bus Meknes, I’ll find a hostel and visit a bit and then further south!
It’s okay to not be walking. Although it feels very weird..
#textileartist #arttrashplastic #walkingtrashart #textilewalkingart
#Morocco #walkingart #textileart #Ouazzane #wherenext
#walkingartist #slowtravel #improwalking #langeafstandwandelen #trust
#Thewalkinghomeproject #vegan #veganhiker #longdistancewalking #solowalkingtrip #walkinginMorocco #notactuallywalking