Day: March 12, 2023
Sebaa Ayoune
Day 248, 11-3-23, 23.2 km from Meknès to Sabaa Aiyoun. I walked!! It took about 10 km to leave Meknès, walked mainly along the path next to the road. I encountered numerous busses and cars loaded with people and horses and then the end of a horse fair, then I started asking about a bus/…
Sebaa Ayoune
Day 248, 11-3-23, 23.2 km from Meknès to Sabaa Aiyoun. I walked!! It took about 10 km to leave Meknès, walked mainly along the path next to the road. I encountered numerous busses and cars loaded with people and horses and then the end of a horse fair, then I started asking about a bus/…