Day 252,15-3-23, 6.4 km walked. And Day 253, 16-3-23, 8 km walked
That means even though I have only walked 7 ‘full’ days since I got to Morocco, I reached: 4444 Km walked since 7-7-22 !!
It’s so different walking in Morocco, being ‘a tourist’ I’m walking a bit less but still going ‘Home’
visited the ‘work away’ of some friends, they are helping to restore a house for residencies for artists ( I’ve got here too early!)
I managed to arrange to be able to use a sewing machine and did some work but didn’t finish anything.
But several pieces nearly finished.
More rooftop hanging.
People coming and people going.
I’m going to stay one more day!
Fez is very enjoyable, I haven’t come out of the Medina yet! Hahaha.
I visited an artist which was fun!
#textileartist #arttrashplastic #walkingtrashart #textilewalkingart
#Morocco #walkingart #textileart #Fez #wherenext
#walkingartist #slowtravel #improwalking #langeafstandwandelen #trust
#Thewalkinghomeproject #vegan #veganhiker #longdistancewalking #solowalkingtrip #walkinginMorocco