Day 485, 4-11-23, 7,6 km walked in Tropea (up and down!)
We decided to stay an extra day to hang out a bit, we had a kitchen so we cooked (Vincent did!)
We visited the chapel on top of the rock, and had some Gelato in the town, then zi went back and sat in our little porch while I worked, and finished some pieces!
Yay ❤️
We met some people, campers and people staying in little apartments like ours bedroom/bathroom/outside kitchen.
And one of the people we met was Birgit from Germany, we had a great click (can you say that in English? We got on right away!)
And she was so impressed with my story that she decided to adopt the piece I just finished! Amazing! (We’ll work out a title together, something with light)
Plastic mat white plastic rope, electrical wire, white dog hair and white thread.
This walk does really feel much bigger than me putting one foot in front of the other! It is about connecting with people on the way as well as many other things.
#walkingartist #slowtravel #iseefaces #climatechange #improwalking #langeafstandwandelen #trust #thewalkinghomeproject #vegan #veganhiker #longdistancewalking #solowalkingtrip #takingmytime, #walkinginItaly