578 days, 4-2-24, 28.2 km from Calcata to Sutri. A loooong day, I found a place to stay in Sutri which my GPS said was 25 km away but due to a few wrong turns it turned out to be 28.2!
I left the house by 9 and had a last coffee and walked. Starting, with gloves hat and many jumpers. The temperature difference from day to night is really big!
It was a very sunny day most of the day I walked quiet back roads, but some via Cassia a two lane busy road. And in the dark that really isn’t fun.
I talked to a few people on the phone, very enjoyable!
I’d planned to have lunch in Monterosi but it being Sunday I only found a cafe that didn’t have anything vegan apart from crisps, so that’s what I had for lunch!
And then I arrived in Sutri, there had been a Carnaval celebration so there were many cars! I saw tractors with puppets on top and young men throwing up out of car windows!
I stopped in a restaurant and Edna came and picked me up, getting Arlette into the car wasn’t easy but we managed.
Edna cooked for me and her 10 year old son impressed me with his English!
I don’t know what is happening today she seems to have plans for us to do…
I’ll just follow the flow.
I’d love to see the Etruscan archeological site but it is closed on Monday
#walkingartist #slowtravel #iseefaces #climatechange #improwalking #langeafstandwandelen #trust #thewalkinghomeproject #vegan #veganhiker #longdistancewalking #solowalkingtrip #takingmytime, #walkinginItaly