Month: March 2024
Day 632, 29-3-24, 17.1 km walked from Dolo to Spinea. When I woke up it was still foggy, and several people passed on the path, I left at 11. It was a pleasant walk, quite uneventful, apart from spotting geese and turtles! I had lunch in Mira, I went into a place and asked if…
Day 631, 28-3-24, 21,8 km walked from Padova to Dolo a lot of it along the river Brento. I too it easy in the morning while the cat explored the smells of my rucksack and Arlette some more… Then at one I took the plunge, but it still rained… so some shopping and coffee And…
Day 630, 27-3-24, 15,4 km walked in Padova/Padua I packed and left my cart at the hotel and went to the place with the sewing machine, I thought Zi had the address but I didn’t so that was a challenge! But I found it! Sadly Martinez hadn’t managed to bring her machine so we just…
Day 629, 26-3-24, 15.4 km walked in Padua. After shower and breakfast I went out and my mood did improve! I found a place where I can sew later today! ( hope to find it again!) and a friend I met the first day offered I could stay! Plus I am welcome in Venice from…
Day 628, 25-3-24, 7 km walked in Padova, I woke up and hung out in my tent in the daisy’s in the sunshine, I scoured the internet for a cheap place to stay, then walked to town and scoured some more, I ended up booking a hotel for 2 nights. And scrolled on my phone…
Day 627, 24-3-24, 20,5 km walked from that vineyard near Conselve to Padova ( in a park) I left early, was walking by 7.45! I’m sooo glad the days are getting longer!) I walked to the road and from there it was one small place next to the other with a footpath all the way.…
Day 626, 23-3-24, 26.6 km walked from just past Roviga to just past Conselve. It was as an odd day emotionally went from sad to very happy via guilt and worry ( what will I do to pay the rent after I get back?, I Know something will sort it self out but sometimes I…
Day 625, 22-3-24, 22 km walked from beside that bicycle path to past Roviga next to a river (Adige) and a train bridge. At 13.30 found myself a coffee place and spend a while with my brothers and sisters, to remember our mum, that was wonderful. Roviga was pretty and had a lovely atmosphere, some…
9999.9km! 10000km walked! From Brussels Via France, Spain, Portugal, Spain, Morocco, France, Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily, Italy! The walking home project walking back home! (Did some train Bus Taxi car and ferry too but these Km are the ones I’ve walked!) I left Brussels 7-7-22 and hope to be back at the end of August. #walkingartist…