Category: Instagram
En toen was het zover! Onze jongste is op kot! Gelukkig niet zo ver van hier! Succes! ❤️ en je bent altijd welkom! En vandaag komt ze alweer terug voor een verjaardagsactiviteit (nog voor mij) Na de verhuis gingen Vincent en ik nog naar de museum nacht, druk druk druk maar wel boeiend
Wonderful wonderful day, meeting a lot of lovely friends old and new. An afternoon of games, and then party with food and cake, dancing and happy faces I made a medal for de Castro for 25 years of ‘the why not institute’ Which was very well received! Anne Marthe and Johnny and me ‘the 3…
I had a wonderful birthday thanks for all the good wishes! I arrived at Rachel’s in the countryside just in time for some food, Neil and Pip and the northern lights!!! How exciting! Rachel lives on the grounds of a Steiner adult education thing, with a Steiner bookshop, Library and coffee shop. So we visited…
What a day! my birthday! Pre birthday dinner last night at botanic a vegan restaurant ( but Ea is a better cook) And then woken up with song and candlelight, pancakes for breakfast! The last time that our Ea is home studentlife #movingout And then I got ready to take a train to London! To…
Not writing every day, not taking so many pictures, Slowly slowly finding some kind of routine, life on the road seemed so much easier, but I’ve started with my diaries and I have many many Ideas for new work! Celebrated Maria’s birthday last weekend and this weekend my Brother’s Visited another friend for a quick…
Vanuit Brussel op de Radio in Amsterdam! In gesprek met Renk om 14.45! (In het Nederlands! In Dutch!) Radio Salto 99,4 FM en op 106.8 FM. Ook kan de uitzending live worden beluisterd via de mediaplayer op de site : Op de Amsterdamse kabel 911 (Ziggo) en 1123 (KPN/Telfort) Na de uitzending is hij…
Ik wil graag iedereen bedanken die naar mijn welkom home picknick kwam. Ik had een geweldige dag! Fijn om vrienden en familie te zien met prachtig weer! (Ik ben zeker ook mensen vergeten uit te nodigen…) I would like to thank everybody that came to my welcome home picknick in my hometown ‘s-Hertogenbosch I had…
I’ve been home for 10 days now And I still feel unsettled, I’ve had my first bbq (as a vegan!) yesterday we went to visit Vincent aunt, who’s a sweet old lady and helped with some chores I went to Mu-zee a beautiful museum in Oostende on the way, on the way back we dipped…
Day 1 of life after the walk, 22-8-24, 5 km walked. I can’t quite believe I’m back! I woke up thinking about my gps and what to plan! I didn’t do much, took Ea and Vincent out to lunch and strolled over the flea market. We ate left overs and I did part of a…
Day 777, 21-8-24, 13,4 km walked (12584,9 in Total) What a day! What A Day!!! I’ve made it home! The day started with the Radio! Wonderful! And then I left Farideh’s house and walked to the Grand place sharing pictures on my stories. And then at exactly 14.14 I turned the corner and walked onto…