Category: Instagram
Sebaa Ayoune
Day 248, 11-3-23, 23.2 km from Meknès to Sabaa Aiyoun. I walked!! It took about 10 km to leave Meknès, walked mainly along the path next to the road. I encountered numerous busses and cars loaded with people and horses and then the end of a horse fair, then I started asking about a bus/…
Sebaa Ayoune
Day 248, 11-3-23, 23.2 km from Meknès to Sabaa Aiyoun. I walked!! It took about 10 km to leave Meknès, walked mainly along the path next to the road. I encountered numerous busses and cars loaded with people and horses and then the end of a horse fair, then I started asking about a bus/…
Day 244, 2/2, 9-3-23, 11,5km walked in Meknès, I’ve taken sooo many pictures again! So much to see so much wonderment, people saying Bonjour ou Ça va? Salam. It is a very lively city, the roads in the medina are the widest I’ve seen so far, but some very narrow ones too! I saw some…
Day 243, 8-3-‘23, international women’s day! 12.4 km walked (7,3 the day before) 2/2 So I’ll explain a bit what’s going on, maybe I’ve just lost my mojo a bit, and I have a sore back, and being in Africa is very different, and having lost my plan (wanting to walk Marocco Algeria Tunisia and…
Jorf-El-Melha, Sidi Kacem, Morocco
Day 241, 7-3-23, bus to Meknes from Ouazzane. Got up, finally! Packed heard some beautiful singing in the cafe downstairs so had breakfast there, then left the hotel without a plan. Sat down for more coffee and then decided bus Meknes, I’ll find a hostel and visit a bit and then further south! It’s okay…
وزان – ouezzane
Day 241, 6-3-23, 7,4 km walked in Ouazzane. Tomorrow marks the beginning of the 9th month!! My km walked has dropped a lot but It is what it is.. I tried to go to the post office before meeting Saeed who I met at the Taxi station but there was a forty number cue! So…
Chefchaouen, Morocco
Day 239, 4-3-‘23, 5.1km walked in beautiful labyrinth took Chefchaouen, I visited the Kasbah, with a prison with the chains still there… together with a German Girl staying at the same hostel. A fire show by Carlos from Mexico the night before( and music), visiting my young friends in the square, my tea man, the…
Chefchaouen, Morocco
Day 238, 3-3-23- 10km walked. I went into the mountain with Guilem and Italian guy, but I gave up fairly soon, instead I sat on the mountain side in the sun, did some writing and stuff, and I only came down at 3 when I went to an hammam and had a lovely scrub! It…
Chefchaouen, Morocco
Day 237, 1-3-‘23, 27,5km walked. From that side of the road teaplace to Beni Hassan. What a day! I got away quite early and I decided to just stick to the road, most of it is very ample, room enough for me to walk. I had several stops along the way to have tea. There…
Day 236, 28–2-‘23, 17, km walked. From Tetouan to a little place along the A2 with the best view over the lake and mountain. I took my time leaving after a week! ( I’m glad I stayed that long, to be able to do some work and get to know the place a little! But…