ay 41 I’m hiding in my tent for the first rain, thunder and lightning too!
I was cooking and eating at a picknick table…. I should have prepared as I saw it falling on the other side, next to the Mont Saint Michel
But I didn’t I just sat and watched people squabble and eating at the other tables…
It is not cold and I think I should be okay
My day was quiet as I tried not to use inter Whilst walking.
I said goodbye to some very sweet people at this park up place, Stephane and Gulia from Belgium and Barcelona and their daughter Clara and a cousin Lola (from the Barack in Louvain la Neuve where I stopped by on my third day)
OMG thunder and lightning and heavy rain! I hope I’ll stay dry!!!
Stephane made pictures also ( like thomas) but not on glass but on Paper but had a similar system and also does this in the streets!
He took an amazing picture just before I left this morning.
I walked 20km around the beach with the mont Saint Michel in view but it is still 20-25 km further!!
So I’ll walk there tomorrow ( if it is dry!
And visit the day after
I just called Vincent and Then Senne to help me through the worst of the storm! It has calmed a little now
Ooff but it was a bit scary…
#Thewalkinghomeproject #longdistancewalking #keepwalkingwoman #solowalkingtrip
montsaintmichel #thunderandlightning